General Director Speech

The cooperative sector, a key component of the social and solidarity economy, is enjoying a real boost in Morocco, thanks to its history, its aims, its values and its promise of growth to combat precariousness and unemployment and ensure the social inclusion of the population.

« No social development is possible in the absence of economic growth. It is therefore necessary to build a new economy capable of supporting globalization and meeting its challenges. If we have opted for a market economy, this does not mean that we are seeking to establish a market society, but a social economy in which economic efficiency and social solidarity are combined » – Excerpt from the Speech of His Majesty King Mohammed VI of 30 July 2000

Taking into consideration these enlightened orientations of His Majesty, may God assist him, the government has begun an anthology of government programs to ensure population socio-economic inclusion, through the encouragement of cooperatives creation.

In addition, the New Development Model has inscribed in golden letters the crucial role of the Social and Solidarity Economy sector, placing it at the heart of national economic development. It advocates its development as a thriving economic sector, alongside the private and public sectors, creating jobs and catalyzing innovative, dynamic, and well-structured organizations.

In this regard and capitalizing on its 61 years of experience in the cooperative sector, the Office of Cooperation Development is committed to promoting the sector in line with the ambition of the New Development Model (NMD). This involves placing social innovation at the core of its actions and strengthening its position as a key player in the development of the cooperative sector specifically, and the broader social and solidarity economy in general.

We invite you to explore our website, redesigned to make better use of our services for cooperatives and our valued partners. We are open to your suggestions and proposals for improvement, convinced that co-construction and collective intelligence are the foundations of accelerated progress.

Aicha ERRIFAAI General Manager